Monday, March 26, 2007

Behold! The Goodness that is Daft Punk!

As an example of my coolness, check out who's coming to Seattle- and I have tickets!!!!

Check out or their official site

There is an amazing DVD called Interstella 5555. Kazuhisa Takenôchi was so inspired by Daft Punk's music that he animated an entire movie to go with it. No dialogue, only animation and music. There are no words to describe it, so watch it!

Here's the plot courtesy of Amazon:

"An unscrupulous music executive and his flunky kidnap an alien, blue-skinned techno band, rob them of their identities, pass them off as human, and foist them on an unsuspecting public on Earth. After their arrival and their impact on the human population, the members of the band try to piece back their identities, escape from the clutches of the evil music executive, and return to their own world."

1 comment:

matt said...

They are rather boss, and we get to see them live!