Saturday, March 17, 2007

And now…it’s time for something completely different!

Here’s what’s going on in the wonderful world of knitting. For WLA Last year I knitted up a matching scarf and hat for the CAYAS IG basket. Not wanting to be repetitive this year, I thought I’d reach a little higher and try something new. My bold idea: socks. Harder than they appear non-knitters. Hilltop Yarn in Seattle,, had emailed me a newsletter at the end of the year that had a pattern for some cozy fireside socks. Hilltop East (the sister store) was kind enough to hunt the pattern down and ship it from one store to another. Now, I own a set of circular needles with most of the needles sizes. Imagine my consternation when I discovered that I would need to buy two new sets of needles to make these socks. I don’t use double pointed needles a lot, so I thought I’d pick up a pair of inexpensive needles at Joann’s or Michaels, but neither store carried them in the correct sizes. Most vexing. I was at Ben Franklin and their helpful knitting guy sold me a booklet for the Magic Loop, This method allows you to use circular needles as double pointed. This was great news! No more new needles, I could use my big set. Ah, but this was not to be- in order to use this technique you need to have a 36 inch cord and my set requires using connector pieces to do that. Curses, I was foiled again. I caved and bought my new needles sets and started knitting away. After three socks, I had my pair. See the photo below. If you’re at WLA in the Tri-Cities they’ll be in the CAYAS gift basket!

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