Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

With all the crazy winter weather we had this December we ended up moving several of our shows around. But we finally managed to get downtown to the 5th Ave on the 27th.

This was one of those shows that we didn't know anything about or have any expectations. We were so pleasantly surprised! The dear husband has even included it in his list of top 5 musicals ever. The songs were great, the costumes and sets supurb and the dancing was quite literally amazing. At one point the women were being lifted over the mens' heads in waves. It was visually stunning.

The lead who played Adam has also sung the roles of Gaston and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Ryan and I both commented that he had the ability to bring some depth to Gaston's role that isn't always there. (Can you guess what is one of my favorite shows?)

We still need to pick up the DVD of the original movie, but songs like "We've Got to Make it Through the Winter" are still running through my head.

1 comment:

Val said...

You have to see the original movie, it was one of my favorites growing up! Now I have an urge to netflix it. lol