From my previous posts, I got a really neat vintage jacket to wear. That led to the decision that I really want a full length vintage fur some day. A friend gave me a short jacket that had been given to her and I wanted to get it cleaned. I asked a coworker who I figured probably had something in her closet and lo and behold she lent me a beautiful fur that had been her mother's that she'd had reworked. Sadly, the weather was awful that night and I didn't dare risk wearing the jacket out. But I did have the DH take my picture from the safety of our patio. Some day I hope to have a theater jacker this lovely. I wore my other jacket instead and got complimented at the theater for wearing something unique.
We saw two shows in December, the first was Whistle Down the Wind. I was on a huge Andrew Lloyd Webber kick whilst in middle school and high school, so I first got the soundtracks for WDTW and Sunset Boulevard from my local library. I have always wanted to see both shows (despite not the nicest reviews when they first premiered). If you've never seen the 1950 black and white film with film legend Gloria Swanson you should! So I was really excited to see WDTW. Now Sunset just needs to come through town...
Now, I am not an overly religious person. The DH and I were married by an ordained librarian who got his license from the back of a Rolling Stones magazine in the 1970s. We believe in something, we just don't like trying to define it and getting up early on Sundays. Hiking on Easter is a great way to feel connected to the world.
Anyhoo- WDTW takes place in a small town in 1959. Three siblings whose mother has just died mistake a runaway convict hiding in their barn as Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. As the minister says in the opening scene, "will you recognize him when he comes again"? All the children in town put their faith in the man in the barn. But of course all the grown ups want to catch/kill him, being that he is a convicted murderer. Despite feeling predictable, and the cynic in me knowing he couldn't possibly be Jesus (thought the ending left that unclear), somehow the show managed to touch me unawares. It wasn't until I was discreetly wiping away tears during the climax that the subtlety of the various plots hits. I knew it was especially touching when I found myself getting teary again as I described it to coworkers over the next few days. Click here for a synopsis.
Sadly, I think the plot of the show was off putting to liberal minded Seattle and our Saturday evening show was half empty. That was a shame because the acting, staging and vocals were amazing.
We saw a second show at the end of December, Jersey Boys which has gotten a lot of buzz. We chipped in for half of our niece's ticket and my brother in law came a long too. It was a good show. A lot of fun. I got a shirt that says "Big Girls Don't Cry". But it didn't have the emotional impact or staying power that Whistle Down the Wind had. If I had to choose between the two of them to see again, I would choose to see the Lloyd Webber production.
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