Friday, November 9, 2007

Clipity-Clop Clipity -Clop : We LOVED Spamalot!

Ahhh...the satiric wit of the British. We love satiric wit. Despite both the dear husband and myself still suffering the effects of the dreaded bug going around, we dragged ourselves off the sofa for a night at "the theater".

The DH looked quite dashing and "double O" in his tuxedo (he does clean up nice!) and my vintage jacket from earlier in the week was smashing. In fact, we got complimented three times by Paramount staff who were ecstatic to see a couple get dressed up. It was most vexing when the audience member who had been sitting on the grail and got to go on stage was wearing a white wind breaker....

The show itself was fantastic. We love Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and had been listening to the soundtrack. But in order to truly understand the plot one does needs to see it in all its glory. The over the top moments were shocking and amusing all at the same time. All I can say is those dancing girls were in great shape, and the men in the audience must have found the performance to be particularly entertaining :) The costumes were amazing (the shinier the better) and the cast was excellent. We got a pair of souvenir coconuts, so we too can go questing at a moments notice... or loan them to my brother for his Halloween costume...

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