Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Knitting Everest

I am please to report that I have have conquered that darn sock! If you go back to previous posts, you will see that I have been working on a pair of socks for the dear husband. The first sock went smoothly...too smoothly.

Attempt #1: The second sock started strongly, and in my over confidence I took it to a meeting. Gigantic mistake! Never take knitting that requires thinking to a meeting. I was focusing on an interesting discusion and the next think I knew, instead of knitting on 4 needles, I was on 3....such sadness. The DH was very good about helping me frog the yarn (because it sounds like rip it, rip it, rip it) and rewinding the ball.

Attempt number 2: I cast back on and away I went, going strong, my confidence was returning. I got together with some gal pals and while we were waiting, one of my friends and I had a stitch n' bitch. Now, you would think I would have learned my lesson - but no. I was so close to putting my knitting down when disaster struck. I dropped a stitch. And in my attempt to be all cool and "look what a good knitter I am" I only succeeded in making a mess of things and dropping another stitch! Damn my ego. That's when I put the sock away for a month and a half. I was sure that I was going to have to frog the darn sock - AGAIN!

Fix #1: I finally had the courage to pick it up again, this time with my two handy reference books. I actually fixed my mistakes! Happiness! Joy! No frog sounds need apply...until...in my exuberance, I got ahead of myself and didn't reposition my stitches before turning the heal. Disaster...rib bit, rib bit here I come...the knitting got put away again...

Fix #2: After taking some time apart, I got out my trusty reference books again, and in my new one I found a trick for only frogging a few rows, by putting a needle through a lower row. This worked amazingly well! After frogging the two rows, repositioning the stitches and picking up a lost stitch or two (now I have it!) the rest went quite well. I am pleased to say that I finally finished the second sock!

The cruel irony: upon close inspection of the socks (which is what any knitter must do) I realized that the first sock, the one that went so smoothly- I see a bunch of mistakes. The second sock, that took 3 times as long and I thought was a disaster multiple times- looks better!

The anal retentive part of me is considering frogging the first sock and knitting it again so it can look better, but the part of me that has stared at the same patter since April thinks it's time to move on to a new project and a new skein of yarn.

Conclusion: pity the poor fool who has a love for needles and yarn...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Into the Woods

The dear husband and I are loving our season tickets to the 5th ave. It is so fun to have fancy date nights to look forward to! And did you know you get free parking??? Loving it!

We just saw Into the Woods, which my DH was very excited about. Ironically, I had checked Ticketmaster to see when it may be playing over the summer. We were batting around the idea of going somewhere it was playing for our anniversary (what can I say, I like to plan things in advance). There was a show in Vancouver BC the week before our April 08 anniversary, which would have been great because that's where we originally honeymooned.

I signed up to be emailed when any shows were available in my area, and once I got the email I went to the 5th aves website and saw the rest of the season. Which leads us back to season tickets at the 5th ave...

It turns out that the theater produces some shows (like this one) themselves. Since it's not a "Broadway tour" it hadn't shown up on my previous search. So all the actors were local and the sets and costumes were designed and built at the theater. All were fantastic, and if I hadn't read in the program that they had produced the show themselves I would never have guessed it wasn't touring. In a way I felt bad, because it was so good that people in other cities missed out on seeing the same show I did!

This was one of those instances where the DH owns the soundtrack and book and I had no idea what show he was gushing about. When I first listened to Into the Woods it reminded me of Wicked, the soundtracks are very complex with lost of layering and large group singing counter parts simultaneously. You really need to see it to put it all together. Then when you listen to the soundtrack you can untangle the voices and make sense out of it all. After seeing the show, I think my favorite song was Agony, when the two princes share their feeling on being in love with a woman...and later in the reprise, multiple women!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Clipity-Clop Clipity -Clop : We LOVED Spamalot!

Ahhh...the satiric wit of the British. We love satiric wit. Despite both the dear husband and myself still suffering the effects of the dreaded bug going around, we dragged ourselves off the sofa for a night at "the theater".

The DH looked quite dashing and "double O" in his tuxedo (he does clean up nice!) and my vintage jacket from earlier in the week was smashing. In fact, we got complimented three times by Paramount staff who were ecstatic to see a couple get dressed up. It was most vexing when the audience member who had been sitting on the grail and got to go on stage was wearing a white wind breaker....

The show itself was fantastic. We love Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and had been listening to the soundtrack. But in order to truly understand the plot one does needs to see it in all its glory. The over the top moments were shocking and amusing all at the same time. All I can say is those dancing girls were in great shape, and the men in the audience must have found the performance to be particularly entertaining :) The costumes were amazing (the shinier the better) and the cast was excellent. We got a pair of souvenir coconuts, so we too can go questing at a moments notice... or loan them to my brother for his Halloween costume...