Monday, October 15, 2007

GIANT Robots and Jungles

IMAX is awesome. No, really. If you've never seen a feature film at the new theater, you should! We went with friends last night and caught the last show of Transformers.

Now, if you read back in my blog, I wrote about seeing this moving in all it's beautiful glory on the 4th of July. After some debate we concluded that the 4 story Optimus we saw was about right on the lovely 6 story tall and 85 feet wide IMAX screen. As we were walking to catch the bus back I kept expecting to see something transform, and be "more than meets the eye"... I know we saw this movie in theater's twice, but I'll be picking it up the day it comes out on DVD.

Speaking of movies on DVD, if you haven't picked up a copy of Disney's The Jungle Book you should! It was just a fun as I remembered and the special features are good. My brother came over and we had a nice night watching Jungle Book and Tarzan. I would have recommended the Wild, but I lent that out to a friend. Next week he's coming over when Meet the Robinson's comes out, but I'll save that for another post.

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