Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ratatouille (Rat-a-too-ee)

Ok, I admit it, we really like movies. We see a lot of them.

Last Saturday I hopped online to check out the times for Nancy Drew (it looks like fun!) at my beloved Lincoln Square Cinemas.

Now, I have the opening day of Ratatouille on my day planner- and that is June 29th.

Imagine my surprise when I see it listed for just one showing on June 16th. Christmas in June! A sneak preview! I whipped out my debit card and tickets were mine! I called my fellow Disney enthusiast and travel buddy and voila! Double date night. Do I care that four adults with no children were giddy to see this movie- um, NO!

And after buying my tickets and popcorn, I have to say, this is Pixar at it's best. Which is impressive when you think of their track record- Toy Story 1 & 2 (3 is said to be in production), Bug's Life, Monster's Inc., The Incredibles...

The short before the feature was fantastic. They manage to convey everything without saying a word. Ratatouille's story is just amazing, if you are one of those skeptics that can't suspend their belief, believe! A rat that wants to cook in Paris may sound hard to swallow, but that's what Pixar can do, wrap the story so tightly around you that not only do you believe but you care. As the credits were rolling my dear husband leaned over and stated that we'll be seeing this again on opening weekend- and so should you!

Kudos to Pixar and director Brad Bird. With the Disney/Pixar merger and shakeup I sincerely hope that Ratatouille storms the box off and the corporate PTBs (powers that be) take the story people seriously. That's what Disney has been missing these past years and needs to find again, and I can't think of anyone better to show them the way back than the guys from Pixar.


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