Thursday, May 3, 2007


I know I don't have to post, but I have to share that there are lots of pod casts all about Firefly! One about the creator Joss Whedon, cast and other good stuff called Firefly Talk. I need to listen to this- especially since it's still up to date and they just had an interview with Orson Scott Card! How cool is that!

It's all in the name for me- Podcast Alley had the most zing. Once I stopped messing around and got to looking for library pod casts, my opinion, eh- not so much. I was looking for "library and kids" and most of the interesting ones haven't posted in over a year. No luck for listening to Poopy Diaper, Thomas Ford, CineKids or OtterScrubber. What can I say, good names! I ended up subscribing to LibVibe which I am listening to now and is, no surprise, pretty eh.


Unknown said...

Just to let you know...Joss whedon does not run that podcast! It is still a great show though!

Anonymous said...

Ah, shoot, I was just enjoying being the big boss himself.

Glad you like the show!

Shortbeard the Pernicious said...

You'll have to fill me in on the details about the OSC interview when I see you next!