When my husband and I started dating he came with a dog and I came with a bunch of cats. One of his friends once told me that he must really love me to move in with cats. That was seven years ago and while his dog and several cats have passed on, the last four years have been empty with just cats in the house.
After a lot of discussion we decided not to go with another Sheltie. We didn't want Sabrina's awesomeness to color a new dog, and as she had always been more Collie like then Sheltie like, we started looking for Collie breeders. There aren't a lot of them available and while we talked to breeders in Oregon, Washington and Canada it took us two years to find a breeder that we liked, was a responsible breeder and go though the adoption process. If people parents had to think about having a baby as much as we did answering the application questions there would be less bratty kids in the world.
We were ecstatic to pick up a puppy last Friday from Marko's Collies and bring him home. He is such a sweetie and his puppy training is going well. I've been reading a great dog book "Be the Dog" that focusing on being the pack leader for your dog. The author is local and I heard him talk on NPR. I need to find one of his cat books and see if I can't break some of our bad kitty habits.
Fiyero is a show puppy, so the dear husband will be showing him. Mama is a champion and Dad is only a few points away so we have high hopes for puppy. We chose a name from the musical "Wicked" and if we ever get a girl she'll be Elphaba. Yup, we are that cheesy.